RO DBT (which stands for Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) is a specialised therapy that aims to help people who appear to be okay and to have successful lives, but actually feel anxious, irritable, lonely, caught-up in their own thoughts, and chronically unhappy.
In RO DBT we use the term ‘overcontrol’ to describe people who tend to hide their emotions, be sensitive to criticism, have fixed views of how things should be, and lack fulfilling relationships.
Overcontrolled people are often:
• Perfectionists, and extremely critical of themselves
• Unlikely to try something new due to a fear of making mistakes
• Unable to adapt to changes in plans
• Uncomfortable in social situations
• Emotionally constricted
• Perceived to be aloof and uptight
• Socially anxious
• Socially isolated
RO DBT can be helpful for a range of people, some of whom have a specific diagnosis and some of whom do not. Specific diagnoses that are treated with RO DBT include chronic depression, treatment-resistant anxiety, anorexia nervosa, autism spectrum condition, and avoidant, paranoid and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders.
Research shows that overcontrolled people are born with certain characteristics that make them highly threat-sensitive, and that these characteristics are reinforced by their environment, relationships and past experiences. Such individuals develop ways of coping that involve the avoidance of uncomfortable feelings, but which actually prevent them from finding happiness.
RO DBT differs from other therapies in several ways, but the biggest difference is that it focuses on ‘maladaptive social-signalling’. This refers to what we say (and how we say it), and our non-verbal behaviour, movements, and facial expressions. These social signals may be deliberate or accidental; either way, they maintain a person’s sense of emotional loneliness. By identifying a person’s unique social signalling deficits and teaching new skills, RO DBT helps overcontrolled people to find happiness, improve relationships and social interactions, increase flexibility, and engage with the world in a more relaxed manner.
The full RO DBT programme is available to anyone aged 18 or over and comprises two key components which are delivered over approximately 30 weeks: weekly individual therapy sessions, each lasting 50 minutes, and a weekly online skills training class that lasts for two hours. Whilst the full RO DBT programme is the recommended form of treatment, in some cases we may be able to provide individual sessions only or skills classes only and would be happy to discuss this as part of the assessment process. Individual RO DBT is available for those who are aged from 13 years, and a specific under-18s skills class will be coming soon.
RO DBT Clinics UK
the uk's first independent provider of RO DBT
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